Discovering your purpose

We all ask dis-empowering questions to ourselves.  Spiral_Illusion_by_nightmares06.jpgQuestions like  “Whats wrong?” ,“Who is to be blamed?” ,“Why me?”, “Nothing is going right. Everything is going wrong”, “Other people can do this, why can’t I?”

Dis-empowering questions have a way of sucking us down a spiral of negativity. We end up living like a victim of the whole game.  The game changes when we ask questions that are empowering.  Empowering questions shifts everything and allows us to emerge from the database of human consciousness comprising of fears and doubts, worries and complaints.  Empowering questions forms part of the life-visioning process.

  • What is trying to emerge in my life?
  • what gift do I have to give to the world?
  • What is my life purpose?
  • What is my next step?

In the words of Michael Beckwith:

Behind every problem is a question trying to ask itself, behind every question is an answer trying to be revealed, behind every answer is an action trying to take place and behind every action, is a way of life trying to be born. 

If you find yourself stuck in dis-empowering questions, then your perception becomes very small, you become reactionary and the action that you take are just survival busyness which has absolutely nothing to do with embracing a large goal or a great vision for your life.

So, what is the next step to take in the downloading the articulation and living of my vision? As you begin to ask empowering question, you begin to activate the faculty of listening. Believe it or not but one of the arts that have been lost in our world is the art of listening, individual fail to listen and they fail to comprehend.  It is therefore essential to bring back listening to our spiritual practice.

In your meditative practice, close your eyes and as you begin to feel that you are surrounded with universal presence of divine love, begin to ask empowering questions.

  • What idea is the universe trying to express through me?
  • What is seeking to emerge in my life?

See with the inner eye, Listen with that inner ear and feel with your heart. Listen to the universal guidance and you shall receive the guidance of the universe. It’s not what society wants you to do, not what your parents or your religion wants you to do.  It’s what god have in store for you. Allow it to articulate itself to you, this is a vision, you are loaded and coded with it.  This may take some time to manifest and become visible but as you listen to it, it’s speaks to you in the present moment and guides every single step that you take towards it.

The next empowering question: “What must I become to manifest my vision that I have started to see.”

Becoming is our growing edge, where must I grow, where much I unfold, what habits must be changed, What thought patterns much dissolve, what must I become?

There is a master vision for your life, you are loaded and coded with it.  This does not come from external sources, it’s within you, as you ask empowering question, you participate in your own unfolding and listening and ultimately saying YES.

When you say yes, you are giving permission with the Yes and with the right questions.  The universal presence has an access point to express through.  The presence can only do for you what it can do through you.

Say yes to your greatness, say yes to life..

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